Saturday, January 26, 2008

my sick little kitty

Its been a very long week for myself and my sick little kitty precious. I thought for sure she was going to die monday before I could get her to the vets she was so ill and it was so sudden. She didnt show any signs until it was almost to late. She couldnt move hardly at all and was not eating or drinking. They did all they could for her including taking out over a cup of fluid from her lungs. After a few days of being at the vets we decided to bring her home to spend as much time with her as we possibly can just incase she doesnt pull through this. I dont know if you can see it or not in this pic but they left the IV cath in just incase she doesnt not get better to make it easier on her to put her down...a decision I am having a very hard time with. So I give her meds twice a day and I am feeding her by a medicine siringe to get her to eat something to hopefully help her gain some strength back. As long as she keeps fighting to get better so will I. She's my baby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww, poor thing, hope she gets better!!