Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Crazy kitties!

I was having some fun in photoshop and this is what I was able to accomplish. :) Not to bad for a second attempt lol

In Loving Memory.....

of my beautiful blue eyed cat precious who past away sunday morning in my arms. She will be sadly missed by all of us.

Precious 2002 - 2008

Saturday, January 26, 2008

my sick little kitty

Its been a very long week for myself and my sick little kitty precious. I thought for sure she was going to die monday before I could get her to the vets she was so ill and it was so sudden. She didnt show any signs until it was almost to late. She couldnt move hardly at all and was not eating or drinking. They did all they could for her including taking out over a cup of fluid from her lungs. After a few days of being at the vets we decided to bring her home to spend as much time with her as we possibly can just incase she doesnt pull through this. I dont know if you can see it or not in this pic but they left the IV cath in just incase she doesnt not get better to make it easier on her to put her down...a decision I am having a very hard time with. So I give her meds twice a day and I am feeding her by a medicine siringe to get her to eat something to hopefully help her gain some strength back. As long as she keeps fighting to get better so will I. She's my baby.

sleepy kitty

more animal pics!

This is our crazy jersey wool rabbit qtip. He is a great big ball of fur as you can see. When he gets to be out of his cage he just loves to chase my cats all over the place lol granted they dont like it to much as the crazy little bugger isnt fixed lol so well lets just say he thinks that they are all female rabbits lol.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

sad attempt lol at templates lol

Oh man do I have a lot to learn about making templates lol. Well here is my sad attempt at one....hope you all have sunglasses on cause its just a little bright! lol Coco I really need your help!! lol

Sunday, January 20, 2008

crazy pics! lol

I was going through some older photos of my grand daughter down at waterfront wednesday (they have a live band down by the rivers edge every wednesday night during the summer) and I had to laugh when I came across these photos of her. As you can see, this is how my pictures ususally end up when I take them of her cause this girl just does not stop lol she is a huge ball of energy! lol Oh how I wish I had just a 10th of her energy! lol oh to be young again! LOL

They usually end up blurry like this one!
but once in awhile lol I can catch some crazy ones lol where you can actually make out the face lol and oh what a face it is! lolol Looks like we had pizza and soda for supper that night! LOL

more pup pics!

Here are a couple more of Remi and his best bud crazy kitty! lol thats not the cats real name but thats what he looks like in the picture below lol!

These 2 just love to play together all day long!

cutest little pup!

Introducing Remi (hopefully I spelled that right! lol)This cute little bugger is a black lab. He only sat still long enough to take this one good photo lol I do have some more that I will post later. But I thought I would share at least this one for now.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

my precious little ones

A couple of years ago I took in a cat that was very neglected to say the least and very pregnant. She looked like she had swallowed a football she was so huge. She was also completely wild and quite psycho to say the least. I did feel bad however when I brought the poor thing home and placed her in a quiet back room so she could try and adjust to a new home (man was I wrong!) and once I opened that cat carrier that poor thing flew out of that crate and literally climb my walls and hung herself up in my miniblinds! (no she didnt get hurt thank god but I wished I had gotten it on camera cause it was unbelievable!) I finally got her to calm down enough to help her out of the mini blinds. I got her settled as much as I could and left her alone for a bit and I would come in and talk quietly to her off and on for the next several days until she finally had her kittens...I thought all was going to be well....man I cant even begin to tell you just how wrong I was. Once she had all 6 kittens I noticed that she suddenly drew herself back into a corner and every time a kitten made its way to her she would hiss and growl at it refusing to feed it and run as far as she could from it. I decided to give it a few more hours to see if being left alone would help. This unfortunately did not. I finally made a decision which I do not regret making to pull the kittens and hand raise them myself. I no longer have the mother cat but I ended up with the most loving and beautiful cats anyone could want. It was a lot of work but I wouldnt change a thing!
only a few hours old

this little one didnt make it unfortunately

so small they fit in the palm of my hands
after eating they had to be burped.
My little alien dude! lol
bath time!
play time!
little cuddle bugs

Monday, January 14, 2008

Just having some fun!

A few weeks ago we went to the Children's Discovery Museum and had tons of fun!
We were treated to a fantastic puppet show!

And a broadway musical that featured some very talented drama queens!
We learned how to drive construction equipment
and how to make fast food and serve it to customers
but most of all we enjoyed some quiet time dressing up and just pretending and having lots and lots of fun!!

Only in Maine

You know, only in Maine can it be 40+ degrees one day in January and then freezing the next with a nor'easter dumping a ton of snow! The snow is coming down so fast that the plow trucks cant keep up with it! At times it is white out conditions and you almost cant see the house that is just across the street! This is the view out my front window!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Christmas 2007

I know that Christmas has gone by but I thought these were to cute to just file away.

sledding fun!

Can you say wipe out????
Hey!! who let go of the rope????!!! Wrong way!

Best Friends

Friday, January 11, 2008

Wishing it were spring time!!!

As I looked out my front window today and watched the rain slowly make the snow disappear I started thinking how much it started to look like spring already! I know that is wishful thinking but what the heck it cant hurt to wish just a little bit for spring!!

and after a long stressful day its nice to just sit back and quietly watch the sunset.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

just a few more!

I am having so much fun with this blogging thing!!! Thanks to my wonderful sister Coco!!! This is so awesome! Here are a few more pictures I thought I would share!

my beautiful green eyed baby doodles

my gorgeous blue eyed cat precious!

my grand daughter having a blast sledding a few weeks ago

my daughter and her fiance and my grand daughter having an awesome time sledding!